Attention should be paid to the relationship between government and management department, supervision and service, strict execution of law and adapting measures to local conditions. 同时提出应注意正确处理好基层政府与监管部门、监督与服务、严格执法与因地制宜的三个关系。
Study and practice of constructing water execution law system in basic units 基层水利执法体系建设的探索与实践
In a word, the author think that it is necessary to be made an independent, complete criminal exaction Law to regulate the procedure of the criminal ( execution in China) and complete the criminal Laws including criminal law, criminal procedure Law and Criminal execution law. 必须创制一部独立、完整的刑事执行法典来进一步规范我国刑事执行程序,完善包括实体性的刑法、程序性的刑事诉讼法和执行性的刑事执行法在内的刑事法律体系。
Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law. However, it is most easily ignored in practice. 刑事执行法是与刑法、刑事诉讼法并列的刑事法学体系的三大主干学科之一,但是在实践中最容易遭到忽视。
Further discuss how to apply important principles of civil law and how the administrative execution of law to supply and broaden the principles of civil law in boundary protection of intellectual property rights; 进一步探讨民法基本原则在知识产权边境保护中的适用和知识产权边境保护中行政执法对民法原则的补充和拓展;
However, there exist many problems with China's administrative execution of law. 然而,我国行政执法却存在诸多的问题。
The dispersal of the criminal execution legislation and the poly system of the criminal executive subjects make it necessary that We should draw up an uniform criminal execution law. 刑事执行立法的分散化,刑事执行主体的多元化都呼唤制定一部统一的刑事执行法。
Three important points of increasing water administration execution law strength 加大水行政执法力度的三要点
The key to civil enforcement value is both compulsory and fair execution in law practice; 执行的强制性与公正性一致在法律体系中的最终实践化,是民事执行价值的重要性所在;
The specific properties such as nature, constitution and legal facts of criminal legal relationship are the important theoretical basis for drafting The Criminal Execution Law. 刑事法律关系在性质、构成以及刑事执行法律事实方面所具有的特殊属性,是制定刑事执行法典的重要理论依据。
Cultivation of law consciousness, comprehensive legislation, strict execution of law and fair judicature are needed absolutely in promoting and realizing sport spirits. 法律在体育精神的促进和实现中非常有重要的作用,国家通过法律意识的培养、广泛的立法、严格的执法以及公正的司法来推进和落实体育精神。
To the macro aspect, the principle of criminals ′ penalty is the theoretical pivot of producing and deriving all kinds of legislation of execution Law; 从宏观上讲,行刑原则是制定和派生各种行刑法律规范的理论支点;
The Law of Legislation and Tax Execution to Law 《立法法》与税收法定主义
This thesis researches the legal issues correlated to international factoring, and get the opinions and advices about legislative works and execution of law and factoring practice by the basic theories and means. 本文结合我国保理业务的发展现状,针对国际保理业务的发展趋势,运用法学基本理论和方法进行了系统性研究,并提出了立法、司法和研法的相关政策性建议。
This text probes into and enforces the peculiar basic principle of Compulsory Execution Law: the principle of enforcement combined with persuasion and education; 主要探讨强制执行法所特有的基本原则:强制执行与说服教育相结合的原则;
Tackling both Branches and Roots to Resolve Difficulties of Execution& Some Questions about the Expert Proposal of the Civil Compulsory Execution Law 标本兼治,解决执行难&民事强制执行法专家建议稿起草问题研究
For this reason, we should further perfect our legislation and intensify execution of law to prevent corruption effectively. 为此,要进一步加强廉政立法,加大依法惩治腐败的力度,从根本上遏制腐败现象的滋生和蔓延。
Study on the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution Law of Product Quality 产品质量行政执法责任制探讨
It is also the means of pushing on administrative execution law of product quality. 是推进产品质量行政执法的工具。
The writer inquires into the necessity of the legislation of a uniform execution law from the angle of the legislative situation, the legal position of the criminal execution, the inner regular pattern of the criminal execution and the essence of the criminal execution. 笔者侧重从立法的现状、刑事执行的法律地位、刑事执行的内在规律、本质属性去探讨刑事执行统一立法的必要性。
It's normal that we'll meet with a lot of difficulty in the realization of the integration of our national criminal execution legislation and the integration of the criminal execution when we draw up a uniform criminal execution law. 制定统一的刑事执行法,实现我国刑事执行立法一体化和刑事执行一体化必然会遇到许多困难,这是十分正常的。
The conditions of making our country's independent civil execution law are ripe. 我国制定单独的民事执行法的时机已经成熟。
It is a general trend and must be welcome to enact an unattached Civil Compulsory Execution Law in China. 制定独立的民事强制执行法是大势所趋、众望所归。
The area of administrative execution of law. 确立行政听证主体的法律地位。
The current institution of judicial review in China excludes the review on administrative norm, which is unfavorable to corresponding party and does not accord with the spirit of execution under law. 我国现行的司法审查制度排除了对行政规范的审查,这不利于保护相对人的权益,亦与依法行政的宗旨相悖。
The investigation of this kind is beneficial to the development of socialist legal theory and the improvement of the standard for the execution of law. 这种探讨是有利于社会主义法学理论的发展和执法水平的提高的。
The author reckons community correction in our country at present is only narrow sense concept of experimental community correction which aims at five kinds of criminals stated by present criminal law, criminal prosecution law and execution law and is in the elementary phase of community correction. 作者认为,我国目前的社区矫正是一种狭义的仅只针对现行刑法、刑事诉讼法和监狱法所规定的五种类型罪犯开展的社区矫正的试点工作,是社区矫正的初级阶段。
The perfect strategies are put forward from four aspects which are setting legislation conception, improving law system, strengthening execution of law, and strengthening supervision. Firstly, the competition culture is cultivated to make the market competition body build up legislation conception. 从树立法律观念、完善法律体系、严格法律的执行和加强法律监督四个方面提出了完善对策,第一,培育竞争文化使市场竞争主体树立法治观念。
We can hardly beware of the existence and function of law in real life if there is no application and interpretation and execution of law by judicial procedure in specific cases. 如果没有司法通过司法程序针对具体案件和纠纷适用、解释与执行法律规范,人们很难在现实生活中感受到法律规范的存在和功能。
Execution law focuses on the negotiability of real estate. 执行法侧重于不动产的流通性。